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    curtain fall - Lyrics

    mitchel musso
    mitchel musso
    نائب المدير العام

    عدد المساهمات : 47
    التقييم : 255
    تاريخ التسجيل : 08/07/2010
    العمر : 33

    curtain fall - Lyrics Empty curtain fall - Lyrics

    مُساهمة من طرف mitchel musso الجمعة يوليو 09, 2010 8:14 pm

    We come from humble beginnings and
    Who could have guessed it when
    You sit and doubt it and
    Things aint all that bright
    But we made it through the night
    ItA´s like a game of truth or dare
    If you can make it here
    YouA´ll make it anywhere
    ThatA´s what weA´ve been told
    But the story's getting old

    Together we faced the cold outside
    No one can say we didnA´t try
    And I will never give you up or let you go
    Together we faced our final fears
    Remember the moments that we shared
    ThatA´s why I'll never give you up or let you go

    WeA´ll be ready when the curtain might fall
    Feel my heart beating when the crowd calls
    I gotta read between the lines
    Cuz I'm living out the script of my life
    Cuz we all got a part we must play
    And I've done it but I've done it my way
    I gotta read between the lines
    Oohh (oohh)
    In the script of my life

    We started out many years ago
    No one will ever know
    How far weA´ve really come
    Since we walked away
    And no more words to say

    And we made a lot of sacrifice
    Undid a lot of ties
    Fought a lot of fights
    To get where we are now
    Just donA´t ask me how

    Together we faced the cold outside
    No one can say we didnA´t try
    And I will never give you up or let you go
    Together we faced our final fears
    Remember the moments that we shared
    ThatA´s why I'll never give you up or let you go

    WeA´ll be ready when the curtain might fall
    Feel my heart beating when the crowd calls
    I gotta read between the lines
    Cuz I'm living out the script of my life
    Cuz we all got a part we must play
    And I've done it but I've done it my way
    I gotta read between the lines
    In the script of my life

    WeA´ll be ready when the curtain might fall(bounce)
    Feel my heart beating when the crowd calls(bounce)
    Gotta read between the lines(bounce)
    In the script of my life(bounce)
    We all got a part to play(bounce)
    I've done it but I've done it my way(bounce)
    Gotta read between the lines(bounce)
    In the script of my life(bounce)

    Chourus (2x)
    WeA´ll be ready when the curtain might fall
    Feel my heart beating when the crowd calls
    I gotta read between the lines
    Cuz I'm living out the script of my life
    Cuz we all got a part we must play
    And I've done it but I've done it my way
    I gotta read between the lines
    In the script of my life

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأربعاء يوليو 03, 2024 10:34 pm