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    NobodY'S PeRFecT - Lyrics

    mitchel musso
    mitchel musso
    نائب المدير العام

    عدد المساهمات : 47
    التقييم : 255
    تاريخ التسجيل : 08/07/2010
    العمر : 33

    NobodY'S PeRFecT - Lyrics Empty NobodY'S PeRFecT - Lyrics

    مُساهمة من طرف mitchel musso الجمعة يوليو 09, 2010 8:23 pm

    Everybody makes mistakes
    Everybody has those days
    Everybody know what I'm talkin' about
    Everybody gets that way (yeah)

    Sometimes I'm here to jam
    I'm gonna make a plan
    It might be crazy
    I do it anyway
    No way to know for sure
    I figure how to cure
    I'm patchin' up the holes
    But then it overflows
    If I'm not doin' to well
    Why be so hard on myself

    Nobody's perfect
    I gotta work it
    Again again till I get it right
    Nobody's perfect
    You live and you learn it
    And if I'm messin' up sometimes
    Nobody's perfect

    Sometimes I work a scheme
    But then it whips on me
    Doesn't turn out how I plan
    Gets stuck in quicksand
    No problem can be solved
    Once I get involved
    I try to be delicate
    Then crush her hand somewhere
    But my intentions were good
    Yeah, yeah, yeah
    Sometimes just misunderstood

    Nobody's perfect
    I gotta work it (work it)
    Again again till I get it right (that's right!)
    Nobody's perfect
    You live and you learn it
    And if I'm messin' up sometimes
    Nobody's perfect
    I gotta work it
    I know that I'm still upon the way
    Nobody's perfect

    Sometimes a bit stands up
    And they fall apart again
    Nobody's perfect
    Sometimes a bit stands up
    But I always get it right in the end

    Next time you feel like
    It's just one of those days
    When you just can't seem to win
    When things don't turn out the way u planned
    Figure somethin' else out
    Don't say no, try again!

    Everybody makes mistakes
    Everybody has those days
    Everybody know what I'm talkin' about
    Everybody gets that way
    Everybody makes mistakes
    Everybody has those days
    Everybody know what I'm talkin' about
    Everybody gets that

    Nobody's perfect
    I gotta work it
    Again again till I get it right
    Nobody's perfect
    You live and you learn it
    And if I'm messin' up sometimes
    Nobody's perfect
    I gotta work it
    I know that I'm still upon the way
    Nobody's perfect
    You live and you learn it
    Cause everybody makes mistakes
    Nobody's perfect


    No, no

    Nobody's Perfect

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأربعاء يوليو 03, 2024 10:44 pm