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    8mile -Lyrics

    mitchel musso
    mitchel musso
    نائب المدير العام

    عدد المساهمات : 47
    التقييم : 255
    تاريخ التسجيل : 08/07/2010
    العمر : 33

    8mile -Lyrics Empty 8mile -Lyrics

    مُساهمة من طرف mitchel musso الجمعة يوليو 09, 2010 7:51 am

    (It's okay, it's okay. I'm gonna make it anyway.)
    Sometimes I just feel like
    Quittin I still might
    Why do I put up this fight?
    Why do I still write?
    Sometimes it's hard enough steal from the real life
    Sometimes I wanna jump on stage and just kill mics
    And show these people what my level of skill's like
    But I'm still white
    Sometimes I just hate life
    Somethin ain't right
    Hit the breaklights
    In case of the stage fright
    Draw on the blank light
    (Uhh, But if I fall, It ain't my fault, Breakin eyeballs, My insides crawl)
    And I clam up (SMASH!)
    I just slam shut
    I just can't do it
    My whole manhood's just been stripped
    I've just been ripped
    So I must been dipped
    Or the bustin split
    Man fuck this shit yo
    I'm goin the fuck home
    Rollin my shoulders as I run back to this 8 Mile Rd.

    I'm a man
    I'ma make a new plan
    Time for me to stand up and travel new land
    Time for me to just to take matters into my own hands
    Once I'm over these tracks man
    I'ma never look back
    (8 Mile Rd.)
    And I'm gone
    I don't like where I'm goin
    Sorry mama I've grown
    I must travel alone
    Ain't no followin no footsteps
    I'm makin my own
    Only way I know how to escape from this 8 Mile Rd.

    Walkin these traintracks
    Tryin to regain back the spirit I have
    'Fore I go back to the same crap (SMASH!)
    To the same plant
    And the same pants
    Tryin to chase rap
    Gotta move A.S.A.P.
    Get a new plan
    Mama's got a new man
    Poor little baby sister
    She don't understand
    Sits in front of the TV, bury's her nose in the pad
    And just colors until the crayon gets dull in her hand
    While she colors her big brother, her mother, and dad
    Ain't no tellin what really goes on in her little head
    Wish I could be the daddy that neither one of us had
    But I keep runnin from somethin I never wanted so bad
    Sometimes I get upset
    Cuz I ain't blew up yet
    It's like I grew up, but I aint grownin two nuts yet
    Don't gotta rap my step
    Don't got enough pep
    The pressure's too much man
    I'm just tryin to do what's best
    And I try
    Sit alone and I cry
    Yo I won't tell a lie
    Not a moment goes by
    That I don't pray to the sky
    Please I'm beggin you God
    Please don't let me be pigeon holdin on regular job
    Yo I hope you can hear me hommie
    Wherever you are
    Yo I'm tellin you dog
    I'm bailin this trailor tomorrow
    Tell my mother I love her
    Kiss baby sister goodbye
    Say whenever you need me baby
    I'm never too far
    But yo, I gotta get out there
    The only way I know
    And I'ma do that for you
    On the second that I blow
    On everything I own
    I'll make it on my own
    Off to work I go
    Back to this 8 Mile Rd.


    Ya gotta live it to feel it
    If you didn't you wouldn't get it
    We'll see what the big deal is
    Why it wasn't, it still is
    To be walkin this border line of Detroit city's limit
    It's different, it's a certain significant certificate of authenticity
    You'd never even see
    But it's everything to me
    It's my credibility
    You've never seen, heard, smell, or met an MC
    Who's incredible and on the same pedistool as me
    But check
    Still unsigned
    Havin a rough time
    Sit on the porch with all my friend's who kick dumb rhymes
    Go to work
    And servin MC's in the lunch line
    But when it come's crunch time
    Where do my punch lines go?
    Who must I show?
    To bust my flow?
    Where must I go?
    Who must I know?
    Or am I just another crab in the bucket
    Cuz I ain't havin no luck with this little rabbit so fuck it
    Maybe I need a new outlit
    I'm startin to doubt shit
    I'm feelin a little scepticle
    Of who I hang out with
    I look like a bum
    Yo my clothes ain't about shit
    At the Salvation Army
    Tryin to salvage and outfit
    And it's cold
    Tryin to travel this road
    Plus I feel like I'm only stuck in this battlin mode
    My defenses are so up
    And one thing I don't want
    Is pity from no one
    The city is no fun
    There is no sun
    And it's so dark
    Sometimes I feel like I'm just being pulled apart
    Being torn in my limbs
    By each one of my friends
    Enough to just make me wanna jump outta my skin
    Sometimes I feel like a robot
    Sometimes I just know not what I'm doin
    I just blow
    My head is a stove top
    I just explode
    The kettle gets so hot
    Sometimes my mouth just overloads the acid I don't got
    But I've learned
    It's time for me to U-Turn
    Yo it only takes one time for me to get burnt
    Ain't no fallin
    No next time
    Imeet a new girl
    I can no longer play stupid
    Or be immature
    I've got every ingredient
    All I need is the courage
    Like I already got to beat
    All I need is the words
    Got the urge
    Suddenly its a search
    Suddenly a new verse of energy has occured
    Time to show these free world leaders
    Three in the third
    I am no longer scared now
    I'm free as a bird
    And I turn and cross over
    The median curb
    Hit the burbs and all you see is a blur on 8 mile rd

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأربعاء يوليو 03, 2024 9:31 pm