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    stand up 2 cancer - Lyrics

    mitchel musso
    mitchel musso
    نائب المدير العام

    عدد المساهمات : 47
    التقييم : 255
    تاريخ التسجيل : 08/07/2010
    العمر : 33

    stand up 2 cancer - Lyrics Empty stand up 2 cancer - Lyrics

    مُساهمة من طرف mitchel musso السبت يوليو 10, 2010 12:21 am

    The heart is stronger
    Than you think
    It's like it can go
    Through anything
    And even when you think
    It can't it finds a way
    To still push on

    Carrie Underwood:
    You want to run away
    Ain't got the patience
    For the pain
    And if you
    Don't believe it
    Look into
    Your heart
    The beat goes on

    I'm tellin' you that

    Rihanna/Miley Cyrus:
    Things get better
    Through whatever

    If you fall
    Dust it off
    Don't let up

    Sheryl Crow:
    Don't you know
    You can go
    Be your own miracle

    You need to know

    Chorus (Sheryl Crow):
    If the mind
    Keeps thinking
    You've had enough
    But the heart
    Keeps telling you
    Don't give up

    Sheryl Crow/Beyoncé:
    Who are we to be
    Wondering what is what
    Don't give up
    Through it all
    Just stand up

    It's like
    We all have better days
    Problems getting all up
    In your face

    Leona Lewis:
    Just because
    You go through it

    Don't mean it got
    To take control, no

    Leona Lewis:
    You ain't gotta find
    No hiding place

    Keyshia Cole:
    Because the heart
    Can beat the hate

    Leona Lewis:
    Don't wanna
    Let your mind
    Keep playin' you

    Keyshia Cole:
    And sayin' you
    Can't go on

    I'm tellin' you that

    Miley Cyrus:
    Things get better
    Through whatever

    If you fall

    Miley Cyrus:
    Dust if off
    Don't let up

    LeAnn Rimes:
    Don't you know you

    Natasha Bedingfield:
    Can go

    LeAnn Rimes:
    Be your own

    Natasha Bedingfield:

    Carrie Underwood:
    You need to know

    Mary J. Blige:
    You don't gotta be
    A prisoner
    In your mind

    If you fall
    Dust it off

    Mary J. Blige:
    You can live your life

    Rihanna/Carrie Underwood:

    Mary J. Blige:
    Let your heart
    Be your guide

    Yeah, yeah, yeah

    Mariah Carey:
    And you will know
    That you're good
    If you trust in the good

    Will be alright, yeah
    Light up the dark
    If you follow your heart

    Mary J. Blige:
    And it will get better

    Mariah Carey:
    Through whatever

    (Chorus All)
    You got it in you
    Find it within
    You got in now
    Find it within now
    You got in you
    Find it within
    You got in now
    Find it within now
    You got in you
    Ffind it within
    Find it within you
    Find it within

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الإثنين يوليو 01, 2024 10:37 pm